*10T Clutch Driver?*

Zach Jaynes

New member
Here is my dilemma/question guys. I have a Hilliard Fury which I run a 11T driver on. I need to switch to a 10T driver. I just spoke with Hilliard on the phone and they told me that their 10T conversion kit has been discontinued. They also told me that this setup had to be ran outboard. My question is, are any 10T setups able to be ran inboard (#35 chain on a clone motor)? If so, what options do I have. I have a 2 disc bully also, but my local track gives us a 30# weight break to run a shoe/drum style clutch so I would like to stay with that. Any input/advice greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the reply. I actually have the Bully driver conversion and wondered if it was that simple or not. Can this be ran inboard? Thanks again.
Zach, 10t bully driver needs to be ran outboard..its a arena sprocket and needs the outboard mounting kit..j/c specalties carries them and most likely the cheapest.
i somewhere ahve a bully driver 10tooth, or bully style at least. It has to be ran outboard. I didnt like it because ofthe extra stress on the crank. I bought a max torque with a 10tooth ... it doesnt have a bushing in it, so it can be ran inboard. You have to lube it often and be careful not to idle much, when the white flag flies for the calss ahead of you is a good time to fire that beast up, but it works good if you are careful,and its cheap
I have one Hilliard 10 tooth #35 Sprocket kit left.
It is $49.95

For $59.95 you can get the complete Max-Torque clone clutch with a 10 tooth.

Again, have either if you are interested.
I have the 10t bully driver in stock..just no mounting kits right now..sold the last 2..the driver is bully brand..good one.. $30
Thanks for the responses guys. I have a 10t kit for a bully on the way so I'll try that on my fury clutch that is converted for use with bully drivers. I really like the fury clutch a lot.
I like the fury too, tough I have to say when I bought all the Max Torque clutches for my Blue Rental clone class directly from Max Torque it was a pleasure to deal with them. Great service.
Thanks for the responses guys. I have a 10t kit for a bully on the way so I'll try that on my fury clutch that is converted for use with bully drivers. I really like the fury clutch a lot.

with the bully adapter you may have to do some modifications to your chain guard, it puts the sprocket way out there, I used some flat stock and modified mine.