3rd Annual Syd White 4 Cycle 4 Hour Enduro


New member
Monterey Bay Karters is pleased to announce the Third Annual Syd White 4 Cycle 4 Hour Enduro. Registration begins December 7th, 2013. http://montereybaykarters.com/swm/swmdetails.html


This event is set for February 15th and 16th at the Monterey Bay Karters facility in Marina, CA. The Enduro in previous years has drawn karters from as far away as Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho and even Michigan. Every year the prizes increase and the level of driving attracts club racers as well as regional and national champions to participate. The team atmosphere and Nascar style pit stops also add to the excitement for this race.

The format will include:

2-4 Drivers make a team

World Formula Med. -365lbs

World Formula Masters -390lbs

Clone -360lbs

LO 206- TBD

(3 karts make a class)

About Syd White: http://www.uskartingnews.com/news/?i=5931

Syd White 4 Cycle 4 Hour ENDURO registration and webpage: http://montereybaykarters.com/swm/swmdetails.html

Rules and race format can be seen here: http://montereybaykarters.com/swm/rules/enduroRules.pdf

Monterey Bay Karters Website: http://montereybaykarters.com/