Asphault kart?


New member
I was curious what the general opinion on which phantom kart was best for asphault purposes? I have a seraph right now and was looking at a triton. My seraph if its just right is bad fast and about untouchable.. but on other days same setup if the tires are a little older I can barely keep up with the back of the front pack. Has anyone tried the triton on asphault? Also I know the phenom used to be the kart to have for high bite and asphault how does it compare to the newer karts? I still see one come up to my track for big races and money races and run right at the front every time. Was just curious on everyones opinion. If the triton is actually better I may get one but I don't want to buy one just cause its the "newer kart" then actually run worse because it was designed pretty solely around dirt racing. Thanks for your time
My triton is faster than my 02 nemesis on pavement. And havnt even found the sweet spot yet. 3 wins in a row with triton at pomfret raceway in CT 1/8 mile pavement.
We ran asphalt and dirt we had good results in all, over the years we had a Nemesis and a Phenom, We have a Triton now all fast karts if you have the right tires and set up in the karts. But we love the Triton it is a user friendly kart. Hope this helps.
I don't work with pavement much so I don't have loads of data with the Triton on this surface. However, I would expect the Triton to be better than the Icon and Seraph and more similar to the Phenom in how the kart tunes. However, when right it should run off the corners a bit better than the Phenom.
