blue printing carbs


New member
.Been throough the old post and found nothing relating to this subject .would appreciate a recommendation for blue printing my box of junk with some relative flow numbers I was thinking send 3 get them back and send 3 more or should all be done at once for the flow numbers to mean any thing..Or have I missed the message on flow. Its block carb dependent? Any suggestions on a reputable guy around va ? Box stock class
Evause Racing Carbs
We offer a complete line of racing carburetors for all 4-cycle and 2-cycle racing engines. We offer a full range of services from turn key carburetor programs to tuning of your racing carb for Saturday night races. We also offer specialty machine work for any and all applications. We offer a complete line of performance parts that is only put out there if its the best you can buy. And most of all our products come with way more info on getting the most out of your racing engine than any other

In stock
Blueprinted National Level Flathead Carb (Used By The Best And Sought-After By The Rest) is his screen name on bobs!!
Eric's carbs are good. I've been through a few of them over the years.

Not sure about the price that's posted though -- you can't touch a bone stock flathead carb for that much. Actually, I get that much just to do the blueprint on a stock carb. :O
Our new blueprinted carbs start at $150 and go up to $300 for our national level stuff. (includes SF60 digital flowbench numbers)

To simply flow your carbs would be $5 ea. If we are doing any work to them, then flowbench time is included in our labor rate.

If we can be of any help, give us a call.

Thanks and God bless,
Brian Carlson
Carlson Racing Engines
Vector Cuts
Celebrating 25 years of service to the karting industry
Some ramblings. I'm from the school that says; test 10 carbs, on the track, all blueprinted, and some of them will work better than others. You might find just one that's better.
Even after all of that, very few have an air density gauge to tell them when to change the jet. And even then most will change from say, .039" to .040". That's a 5 percent change in flow. Longacre says a 1 percent change in air density calls for a 1 percent change in flow. A .0392 jet will flow 1 percent more than a .0390 jet.
I wonder if anybody has ever done a test to determine which is better, a good flowing carb or a properly jetted carb? I would love to see the difference between a good flowing carb and a pretty good flowing kart.
Thanks brian but will February s flow numbers be relative to aprils ? My question is should all be flowed at the same time or can they be grouped ive got 4 I can loose for a few weeks get them back and send anither bbatch. Guess my best bet is to call your shop.
Alvin I whole heartedly agree with your QV gauge idea its probably even more important here in the midatlantic than a lot of people realize.
The carb that flows best in February will still be your best flowing carb any other time of year. By doing many carbs over a long period of time you can get a good feel of which ones out of a batch of them will be the best ones to concentrate on for that killer engine. Along with a good flowing carb on air you'll also need to have the wet side of the carb tuned to match for that National Level Carb. Short pick-up tube, throttle shaft offset and thickness, butterfly location and angle when assembled, jet size(and not only diameter of reamed hole on jet make a diff), and washer thickness on needle valve just to name a few things that affect wet side of carb when tuning.
Most good carbs start with good locations on mounting holes to block and throttle shaft boss location in reference to metering holes and centerline of carb bore(very important). The top flathead carbs in the country are worked in the gray area with special tooling to blend and match all high turbulance areas(especially in the airhorn to carb bore transition) then put in the bead blaster with the right material for a stock apperance when complete. The introduction of the porous castings some years ago afforded this luxury of putting them back to the factory look after machine work was complete. Then you ream and hone to .6945 being sure to slightly shape throttle shaft boss holes and diaphram cover hole before final hone to keep the tension on air in these area as low as possible. This is why the good flathead carbs cost so much, alot of work vs the clone carbs that have zero massage factor and the fact that the clone carbs cost $15 vs briggs which are now close to $100 for a stock one.
If Brian is willing to work with you and flow them for $5 each to see where there at then thats the route I'd go if I were you. Brians a good guy!

Hope this helps! Evause
To answer your question, that depends on your flowbench and corrections for atmospheric conditions. The Superflow SF60 that I use here in the shop has software that does this for you. All digital, no more using the calculator, etc. like on my SF110 machine (all manual.) Even then, just out of habit I prefer to make tests back to back in the same conditions. I've recorded bench numbers from particular carbs when they come in at various times of the year, and even though the numbers are always consistent, it's still nice to do a batch of carbs all at the same time. If a carb flows better in February, it will flow better in April. Now, when it comes to fuel flow, that's a bit more dependent on the weather, density altitude, etc. You see this more clearly when dynoing an engine and checking A/F ratios, etc. I'll let Al tell you all about that.

Give us a call. The flow numbers I provide you with now will be the same (corrected) as any other time of the year that we would flow them. We flow carbs 12 months out of the year. I couldn't be in business if I had to wait until racing season to get accurate measurements. :)

Thank you thank you finally drew out the answers I was looking for
So my plan is to send all my carbs in except 3 (their on engins and running) get the basic flow numbers . Have them returned ship back the best and the other 3 ,have those flowed . Pick the best 2 of the 4 .turn them into supers .is that a reasonable sounding way to get a couple of good carbs ?
The problem I see with this is that you cannot just take a particular carb and make it "super" or "magically delicious." So much involves the bore, the counterbore, the airhorn, the transfer area from the airhorn into the bore, the location of the t'shaft boss, etc. Even with all the "stealth" workings that any good carb guy will do, you will still end up with some carb castings being superior to others.
Can they be improved? Yes, absolutely. Can they be all be made "national level" carbs? Absolutely not. Some will turn out fantastic, sure. Some will always be dogs, some will be dogs with fleas.
One thing you can do, is choose the best of what you've got. (That's what I think you ultimately want as a racer anyhow.) :)