box stock for real


New member
what's wrong with us? why do we have to take everything and turn it into a money game? the words BOX STOCK should mean that you should be able to buy one at a store and put it on a go kart all this $600-$1000 motor stuff is not good for karting. I run a stock predator class at my track the motors cost 100 dollars but I can't get anyone else (other tracks) to see the benefit in it. we've brought 3 dozen or more new people into the sport by making it affordable but I seem to be hitting walls with every other track about it. somebody explain to me why we want to keep our sport so expensive and exclusve that no new people want to get into it. maybe I'm wrong
It's called the drive to win... If someone thinks there down on power to someone else they're going to start looking for ways to gain more power... eventually this becomes a big problem and soon rules and regulations are form and tech men are trained to tech engines that are build to said rules to make sure everything is legal... It's a common and viscous cycle but I'll be damned if the rules and regulations don't help equalize the engines. but throughout this cycle the cost to build these engines rises. It happened with the flatheads it happened with the animals to some small degree and it's happening with the clones. If you can't pay to play, then sit on the porch...
I have mentioned to my local track that we have a predator class, where we all buy a motor and seal it everyone put the same throttle linkages on their karts, number the engines and when we show up at the track everyone draw a number and that's your motor for the night. Seems pretty simple to me and no one can cheat because the motors stay locked up at the track. I think it would make for better racing and more people getting involved. I have 4 kids under 12 that love racing and it would definetly help us with the budget.
I grew up racing by showing up at the track, drawing my motor number, and bolting the track-owned motor on and racing. Over the course of a season you get some better motors, some worse motors, and a lot of average motors. The racing is as even as it can be, and we help each other if we need it.... Keeps the fun in racing. The problem is some feel the need to win at all costs. They need to be encouraged to leave such classes alone and go race their wallet elsewhere. Good luck with your predator class -- I may find a local one here to do the same thing.
I'm an old drag racer. Built it myself and run it against the competition win, lose or break. That's why I like the open modified or rwyb class. No rules, but bring enough! Anybody racing wants the edge and wants to win... Still lots of fun to be had, just identify the reason you are racing and enjoy.
I'm an old drag racer. Built it myself and run it against the competition win, lose or break. That's why I like the open modified or rwyb class. No rules, but bring enough! Anybody racing wants the edge and wants to win... Still lots of fun to be had, just identify the reason you are racing and enjoy.

X2!!!! I fix wrecked cars, far from a machinist/engine builder but I put my own motors together and win weekly, these motors are very simple all the info you need is on this forum. It doesn't take a $1000 to build a $200 motor.
I, too, now race UAS class because I don't want the tech hassle, and prefer to learn throttle control, not momentum racing.
karting is constantly evolving and it seems for the most part people are adapting to the changes nicely. however there's always a small handful that are relatively vocal. I get that geographic differences make it hard to properly paint a clear picture of the karting landscape but on the eastern seaboard the AKRA and WKA rules are the law of the land or the norm you could say. Almost all major races; state races and money races alike run by the AKRA/WKA box stock rules. so yes the lowely box stock clone class actually is governed by rules (really they're not box stock at all). People complain all the time that costs are to high but at the end of the day they pay to play... so are you going to play or leave karting all together? karting is a hobby and like any hobby, if it becomes to expensive to do you just find a new hobby! Karting and racing karts competitively isn't for everyone; for those people that want to have "fun" find you local saturday night track and motor around to your hearts desire. The rest of us will be making sure we've got are ducks all in a row, preparing to win the next large event we choose to enter.
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J&m in ky. The original clone track is still running box stock. Preditor this year. Must still have the governor gear in it to be box stock. Take it out and you are not stock. Can run top plate with fuel pump. Can't get much cheaper than that. And we are fast:p
Those are the guys that dont support there own racing, there parents or someone else is footing the bill.
The clones today started out as take it out of the box and race it, the stock predator's are growing in numbers every week.
Approach your local track to adopt the pred. ran in the stock config.
You get into KY and Ohio there are still large numbers running them stock, its these engines that bring new people in, those that want more the option is there, and those that dont still have a cheap way to play
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Chrome Junkie, I understand what you are saying. But, let's put a real-life spin on it. Lets say you nd your buddies get this going. I come along on a well-tuned Buller chassis, and let's pretend also that I really know my tire and setup game. I really hand you your butts. "CHEATER !" " No, I am not, and I will voluntarily be torn down to prove it" ... What numbers are you going to tech me to, if you have just been relying on "box stock"? How are you going to prove to anyone whether I am legal or not?|

And, please answer, because there is discussion after the answer. And, please lets not turn this into a bashing thread. This is an excellent time to finally understand why it has to be how it is.

And yes, I prefer the classes with very few engine rules. My engine can completely be tech'ed in les than 3 minutes, with 6 nuts.
Chrome Junkie, I understand what you are saying. But, let's put a real-life spin on it. Lets say you nd your buddies get this going. I come along on a well-tuned Buller chassis, and let's pretend also that I really know my tire and setup game. I really hand you your butts. "CHEATER !" " No, I am not, and I will voluntarily be torn down to prove it" ... What numbers are you going to tech me to, if you have just been relying on "box stock"? How are you going to prove to anyone whether I am legal or not?|

And, please answer, because there is discussion after the answer. And, please lets not turn this into a bashing thread. This is an excellent time to finally understand why it has to be how it is.

And yes, I prefer the classes with very few engine rules. My engine can completely be tech'ed in les than 3 minutes, with 6 nuts.
$150.00 claim rule
that's the problem that I am sure we will run into as the track grows but right now we have about 20 stock karts that run out of the box stuff. we have a $50 claim/exchange rule but no one is willing to use it. tech is crucial and we are learning more as we go, but it jsut seems to me that if you want to spend the money on machine work and expensive parts run the next class up. leave the stockers alone and let the sport grow
what's wrong with us? why do we have to take everything and turn it into a money game? the words BOX STOCK should mean that you should be able to buy one at a store and put it on a go kart all this $600-$1000 motor stuff is not good for karting. I run a stock predator class at my track the motors cost 100 dollars but I can't get anyone else (other tracks) to see the benefit in it. we've brought 3 dozen or more new people into the sport by making it affordable but I seem to be hitting walls with every other track about it. somebody explain to me why we want to keep our sport so expensive and exclusve that no new people want to get into it. maybe I'm wrong

Your on here because this is a kart racing site and you race. By definition YOU are involved in racing. If you have any other reason to race other then kicking butt and humbling everyone else, to the point where they wonder why they race your kidding yourself or you have been miss lead about racing.

Though I understand and often have similar thoughts about cost, when I do it's just because I also have been humbled by others just like you appear to have been humbled. You can get into less expensive racing or you can get into more expensive racing, but the word in both situations is expensive. Other then expense there are only three other things which will allow you to win and kick butt. They are skill, knowledge and experience. The other three other things needed to win and kick butt are the reason you, me and everyone else is on here. If you get some entertainment along the way from racing, good but if you think the entertainment part of it is anything other then a side line, your fooling yourself. It also makes this site valuable to anyone racing anything, beyond all kidding. And I sure like to kid both myself and everyone else, as much as anyone.

In the scheme of things it's not about the cost no matter what the level, it's about your ability to support your addiction at a level, through dreams of being able to support it at any level.
i think i know where hope you brung enough is headed here, and i agree. There have to be specs. Once there are, people will build to them. And chrome junkie, i dont think you have to worry about your kart count growing with that kind of a claim rule. Or any claim rule, for that matter, but especially that . i wouldnt trailer across the street to run under that rule
i think i know where hope you brung enough is headed here, and i agree. There have to be specs. Once there are, people will build to them. And chrome junkie, i dont think you have to worry about your kart count growing with that kind of a claim rule. Or any claim rule, for that matter, but especially that . i wouldnt trailer across the street to run under that rule

it's a box stock class straight out of the box from the store if you run a $100 motor you would be happy to trade it for a new one and a $50 dollar bill. I am a racer and I understand the whole beat em into submission ideal but I own a track and try to introduce new people to racing so budget is critical
Whatever happened to racing for the sheer fun and thrill of it? I don't race to humble others, I race to better myself. And I enjoy carving a perfect turn, twisting a perfect safety wire, achieving a shiny kart and body..... Anyone that thinks that crushing others is the main motivation in karting has a lot to learn about life and what makes it worth living.
i wouldnt do it. It means I have to find time to go get another one, do the throttle plate, etc before I can race again. Sometimes Im racing tomorrow.( i get about 4 hours a week for maintenance as a rule )All that because YOU dont know about setup and tires and wanna take MY engine ?? go buy your own .. I wont race where there is a claim. I went through that with 350.00 IMCA modified engines. You guys can have that mess

( oh, and I dont want your old engine. Wasnt good enough for you, isnt good enough for me. Seen enough ran with the oild drained before handing them over to ever want to run one. ) If I take it home and check it out and it checks good, I may run it ...but not until