chassis setup


New member
When starting a completely new setup from scratch what are the steps. In order of operations, first set caster and camber,toe end. Then progress to Left % cross, front end %. In what order is the best way to start? Another question is how do you determine whether to raise a spindal to transfer weight or lower the one on the other side to do the same thing. Doesnt moving the wheel out on the spindal also put more weight on that spindal? I would appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks to all for the help in advance.
Thats a lot to do. start with the seat , then the stagger then frt then Im gonna say caster camber toe. then move on to left and cross last . Now double check all the above. I don't think moving it out puts more weight on , now when you turn the wheel I would say it does then.
When you change one thing, it changes something else. You are going to have to do a lot of checking and rechecking.
I have consulted with James@PRC to get all the seat mounting measurements. Just got thru mounting it. Iam ready to start with the set up procedure. Pinned the rear axel and got lock collars to stabilize it, new ceramic bearings.Installed a new rear floor pan .I understand the check and recheck becuse when you change one thing it changes something else. Just want to know the best order to start the procedure in. Bought this kart from guy that had set it up all wrong and wondered why it wouldnt run very good. Its a 2012 Seraph with about 15 races on it. Seat was cracked got new Chevous seat and now want to competely reset the chassis.
you started out right by caling the manufacturer to ask about the seat mounting.....
now call them back and ask the other questions and follow their directions.
Here's what I do:
1) mount seat, 2) get the nose and left, 3) get the cross close, 4) get the camber close, 5) verify cross and camber (as they affect each other), 6) set toe

As long as nothing is way out this works well enough. If, for example, the toe is way out, I'll recheck cross and camber after setting it. However, if a kart is decently well put together it shouldn't be far off.

I have consulted with James@PRC to get all the seat mounting measurements. Just got thru mounting it. Iam ready to start with the set up procedure. Pinned the rear axel and got lock collars to stabilize it, new ceramic bearings.Installed a new rear floor pan .I understand the check and recheck becuse when you change one thing it changes something else. Just want to know the best order to start the procedure in. Bought this kart from guy that had set it up all wrong and wondered why it wouldnt run very good. Its a 2012 Seraph with about 15 races on it. Seat was cracked got new Chevous seat and now want to competely reset the chassis.

It may not respond as well with this seat rather than the Select which the seat was designed for.
Thanks for the advice Todd. What should I start with on the axel, I have heard left side 1/8" pills holes down and right side 1/16" holes forward. What is you guys advice, any Seraph owners help would be great.
Paul I have already watched this video and it says nothing about a starting setup on the rear axel. It tells about using the slugs but gives no place as to where to start. I was wanting some input for LTG since he has worked with the Seraph. I know that this will change all the weights so just wanting to know where to start before setting left% and cross%.I have all the basic set up % but dont know where to set the rear axel to begin. I want his advise before I begin the process so I want wast my time setting everything and then go bace and reset everything. Todd probably has this info and can tell me where to start at since he has tested this chassis.
"Paul I have already watched this video and it says nothing about a starting setup on the rear axle."

yep, I realized the video didn't answer your question after watching it and I said so in the first sentence of my reply. I also went and looked at setup sheets to see if the info was there for you, but I didn't find it there either. Sorry I should have figured you already checked out all the stuff on PRC's site.

Thanks for the advice Todd. What should I start with on the axel, I have heard left side 1/8" pills holes down and right side 1/16" holes forward. What is you guys advice, any Seraph owners help would be great.

57 to 58 left, 46.5 nose, 63 to 68 cross (more bite more cross), +3/8, -3.25, 7 and 10 castor, LR 1/8 slugs hole down bottom hole, RR zero slugs bottom hole.


This is easily found in the phantom section