Chassis Terminology


New member
Had a question about terminology I have seen describing chassis setup. First what is a pill frontend? Also what is a weight jacker vs clamshell rearend? Those are the questions for the day, there will be more! :cool:
The pill front end: Older karts used pills for camber adjustments, rather than heim joints. The kingpin went through a rectangular piece and the camber adjustment depended on where the hole was in the rectangular piece. So in your toolbox you had some pills.

The weight jacker: A bolt that can be used to adjust cross (and subsequently ride height and corner weight). Commonly on the left rear bearing cassette but I have seen these on the right rear or even front spindles (older karts).

The clamshell rearend: Most modern karts have clamshell style rear axle bearing cassettes that are two pieces and bolted together. This makes removing the rear end assembly for maintenance, repair, quick change-out, etc. much quicker and easier.

Y'all correct me if I'm wrong.