Checkered Flag Racing Products OPEN HOUSE! Jan 24th, 25th Free Dyno Runs

Checkered Flag Racing Products will be having an open house on January 24th & 25th. The same weekend as PRC's open house and Kartmania in Hickory. We are located about 20 minutes from PRC and 1hr 15 min from Hickory. On Saturday we will be offering free dyno runs! That's Right! Bring your engine by and you can watch as we put it to the test! Bring your preferred oil or you can buy it from us! We will be having "Trade Show" pricing and specials, and don't forget about WICKED GRAPHIC! You can help design and order your Kart decals or t-shirts while you're here! Any questions please give us a call! Thanks and we look forward to seeing everyone. Jackie 704-784-3333