Daytona Scoring

Gene Davis

New member
If you go to you can see the current pre entries for this years race. They are listed by race group. If you are in Monday Race 1 then go to Saturday Race 1 to see the list.

If you don't see your name don't panic as I have not received all the pre entries from Marie yet.

During the event, results will be posted on the same site as well as access to race monitor.

Yes, thanks Gene. Very helpful. Numbers are already to go on three karts. One less thing to do at the track.

Gene, I don't see you entered in any classes. I was looking for a rematch from Mid Ohio in the 100cc Pipe class.

Bruce Peck - Indy
Eh, we've become the red-headed step-child. Gene you remember along with me when enduro was the pinnacle on the two-cycle side of things anyway.

Bill, looks like you're joining us in the old man fat class (well, fat for me anyway :))

Bruce Peck - Indy
Yep, I can now say I am fat enough to run 410, which also means I barely fit my seat too. Lol. We have a couple more yet to register too.
I will be running my laydown on the first day this time around, but there will be some weekends that I run the Masters class both days.