dgeree wheel

You can download and print a degree wheel. There is no specific wheel for the clone. You can get one that is broken up into 90 degree segments, 180 degree segments, or 360 degrees. I find the 180 most useful, especially when profiling cams.
You can download and print a degree wheel. There is no specific wheel for the clone. You can get one that is broken up into 90 degree segments, 180 degree segments, or 360 degrees. I find the 180 most useful, especially when profiling cams.
Any chance you have a link to the printable degree wheel?
Put "degree wheel image" into google and you will get all the wheels you could ever want. Like stated, bigger is better when it comes to degree wheels.
We have the degree wheels with adjustable arbor for a limited time with a pointer for @ 50.00. Normally 45.00 degree wheel and 15.00 pointer.
Rix tech tools /
Stout Racing Engines
I printed my off the net and glued it to a piece of plexiglass I cut round. Made a pointer out of a god strong piece of wire.