Difference in 10 degree and 5 degree LF castor block and spindle

I recently bought an older kart and it had a 10 degree lf castor block but a 5 degree lf spindle on it. I am going to the 10 degree spindle on the LF but also thought about going ahead and getting a 5 degree block too as a backup.

What are the biggest differences in having a 10 degree LF setup on it and a 5 degree? How does it affect the overall kart and should my setup vary any with the 10 degree?
The L blocks change the kpi. The hole on the bottom of the l block is offset differently, basically to allow you to achieve the same camber setting with out running out of threads on the heim.
If you have a 5' spindle on now and just remove the spindle replace with a 10' you will have a Lottie positive camber.
The different spindles affect the amount of camber gain when you turn left. The 10' spindle with gain more positive lf camber when you turn left. This is going to transfer weight to the RR quicker on entry. Also at different parts of the corner depending on your kart and setup.
Thanks. The kart handles fine with the 10 degree block and 5 degree spindle. But as you said there are only like 3 threads holding the camber heim on. That's the main reason I bought the 10 degree spindle where everything will setup easier. Thanks for the response.