Different tire programs


New member
I am really not sure which section this question belongs in so I will put it here.
I have been doing some research on here on chassis trying to determine which would fit me best. I have noticed a lot of people say each chassis has its own tire program. My question is what kind of programs are people talking about. What is would be different between a triton vs. impulse vs. something from another chassis. I know how have stagger, prep, and how they are cut, is there anything other than that. And would there be different programs if you was running burris.
Everything from how you physically put chemicals on your tires, to wether or not you plan to run tires once or twice and toss them or try to run a set or two all season, to especially tire brand changes a lot about a tire program.

Mainly what people talk about different chassis taking a different program comes down to certain chassis likes a certain Duro tire for certain conditions, and the biggest thing of all is wet or dry bite built into the tire through chemicals. Other than that how a tire is prepped usually comes down to track conditions.

An Excentrik usually needs more bite put into the tires than say a Phenom. The Phaze tends to like more bite then maybe the C4. Some of these karts like a softer or harder tire for a given condition than another kart in the exact same conditions. But, ultimately if you're on a quality prep program with any chassis, you can dial any of them in with time and knowledge.