Dovers new crankcase fitting

I just saw on my buddies new Dover that he is running a fitting out of the crankcase for the fuel pump. Any chance there could be to much oil mixing with the fuel? I love this idea though nice thinking jerry!
I have a Dover Power motor with the same fitting and I have had NO problem with any oil getting into my fuel pump!
Have pulsed off crankcase for ever never done it any other way, Fuel and oil should not make contact unless diaphragm in pump is bad.
I have a motor that Dover rebuilt and he pulsed it off the top of the crank case and every time out it was pulling oil up the line, I have since switched it back to pulsing off the valve cover, the pump works fine, so not sure the issue as we have another Dover with the pulse run off the crankcase, have had no issues withthat one.

We've been back and forth with this over the last 2 years.. No doult we get a better pulse from the crankcase BUT some engines its just not working long term..
Oil starts attacking the diaphragms and poof the pump staops working, on other engines never a problem....Like said above its nothing new.
For sometime now on all of my engines after removing the governor- to gov. arm shaft on top of the block ....You have a hole.....What to do with it?? I cut a piece of 1/4"tubing about 11/8" long taper it slightly apply some red loctite and knock it in the hole; drill 1/2" a hole in the top plate,you now have a port with which to pulse from simple quick easy almost free. And it works
I have my pulse tapped from the governor arm hole too... I also have a S-bend of sorts in the pulse pipe though which may help prevent oil getting up there.
We pulse ours off of a mechanical diaphragm / bellows which bolts up to the third CC bolt. I didn't think it was a good idea until one of our guys demonstrated the pulse at idle - he was able to get the fuel pumping through 10 column inches of pressure without and forward assist. I wouldn't do it any other way.
We pulse ours off of a mechanical diaphragm / bellows which bolts up to the third CC bolt. I didn't think it was a good idea until one of our guys demonstrated the pulse at idle - he was able to get the fuel pumping through 10 column inches of pressure without and forward assist. I wouldn't do it any other way.

Can you show us a picture of this setup ?
Nah he is not puling my crank, but if he keeps it up on his own he is going to go blind. I think he is a silly teenager in his momma's basement, rejected by all of his screen loving friends. He is practicing his funny line so all of his geek friends will chuckle with him on the back of the school bus on Monday morning. It is a shame he doesn't have someone in his life that has to shave that would take him out to the garage and put a useful tool in his hand.