EL preps

The compound of the rubber is different, but a lot of people developed an EL prep out of marketing, and some because they had a combination that actually worked, but was easier to market it as it's own prep.

There are people that claim a lot of things, that they used this prep, and that prep, and you don't need these fancy gimmick preps, and some swear by them. Chances are those EL preps contain a few of the same chemicals we all use on the rest of our tires. There's only so many chemicals out there that work. It's more about find someone in your area that has good results and good customer service. If you're going to run EL a lot, learn them and the prep you choose. And, if you're struggling go to the person that makes the prep and talk to them and actually use their advice.
Do regular tire preps work on Maxxis EL? Or do you need EL specific preps? Why would they require a specific prep
When the EL tire first came out, it was a very hard tire and different compound of rubber. Regular preps did not work well and a few people came out with a specific prep for these tires and had very successful results.
Now years later, the tire itself has gone through some changes and still some of the EL preps work, but now lots of the regular preps are working as well, or a combination of the 2 together.