Eletrical house work


New member
Anyone have a round about price or are able to add an external outlet in Concord, NC. Have a spot picked out, and would like feed off an inside wall outlet if possible.....if someone is able to do it, I can buy parts and pay labor.

If not what should I expect to pay a professional electrician.
If it's back to back to an existing receptacle you're looking at $20. to 30. dollars in parts, Electricians are around $80. an hour and maybe a service call fee. Should be able to be done in a hour.
Paul is correct, an outside receptacle will have to be GFCI Breaker in the panel and GFCI receptacle with a water proof box
are you sure you need both a GFCI breaker and GFCI receptacle ? ..... It used to be one or the other.

Here the breaker has to be in case the outlet fails, he will have to check his local building code to see
And he wont be able to jump from an interior outlet to the outside, they will have to run a new wire, unless he just gets someone to do it on the hush hush, but IMO I wouldnt do it, and I dont think any reputable electrician will either
None of my outside outlets are GFI....but my house was built in 1996. Things may have changed since then.
Dave the breaker for the outside isnt GFCI? one of my outside with the flip open isnt GFCI but the breaker in the box is
Definitely using an outside GFCI, bedroom which I am coming off of already has one in the breaker box.

All the research I have done sows between 80-150, with gfci and weather proof box....want to be ready for a $300 estimate.
Definitely using an outside GFCI, bedroom which I am coming off of already has one in the breaker box.

All the research I have done sows between 80-150, with gfci and weather proof box....want to be ready for a $300 estimate.
how many other outlets and lights are on that bedroom outlet lead?
most rooms hot will come into an outlet and go from box to box, then to the light switch, and if its too many they will need to run another hot.
Also is the whole bedroom on GFCI? or is it just for the master bath?
You better call a licensed/insured Electrician too many variables
Definitely using an outside GFCI, bedroom which I am coming off of already has one in the breaker box.
Are you sure it's a GFCI and not a AFCI breaker?
The is no need or requirement for GF protection in a bedroom. Arc fault made it's way into the NEC in 02', when was your house built?
Definitely using an outside GFCI, bedroom which I am coming off of already has one in the breaker box.

All the research I have done sows between 80-150, with gfci and weather proof box....want to be ready for a $300 estimate.

Good, the afci is to hopefully prevent a fire... The gfci is to hopefully prevent a death.

I'm cheap and slow to take a nickel out, but even cheap me considers putting a gfci in the breaker box cheap. They generally don't cost much.


Here's another consideration before you decide to spend the big bucks for an electrician or do it yourself. Depending on where you live and how tut tut the neighborhood or county are, if you try to sell your home and an inspection finds the added outlet you may need to prove it was installed by a county qualified electrician. If it wasn't or you can't show it was, they may make you remove it before your place can be sold. Yeah I know... butt... that's the way it is in some places.
Wow...this is weird...first time for everything!!!
I thought Canada was bad?
Our Gas codes are 3x's more strict than the US!
All the new homes here have to be one or the other, GFI out side in the box, or GFI breaker...not both!
Usually you can get a kit with a outside box, and GFI with all the goodies to be mounted outside...
You said your panel is in the garage? Run a new wire in your attic or crawl space right to the new outlet!
What are you gonna use this plug for? Most houses have each bedroom on 1 circuit. Most are 20 amp.

General use, to power lights in trailer, christmas lights, etc....no heavy use.

We have an outside GFI outlet but it is at the back of the house, have to use a 100 foot cord to be useful.
NEC does not require both a GFCI breaker AND a GFCI receptacle! one or the other and a GFCI receptacle can protect 5 more down line on the load side of the receptacle.
If you have an AFCI breaker for the bed room circuit DO NOT repalce it with a GFCI breaker.
i would go to home depot and get everything you need (gfci outlet, wire, breaker, and a few wire nuts) and run it yourself. get the outlet mounted where you want it and stuff the wire thru the box and give a foot or two hanging out. then run the wire over too the box and leave the rest of the spool sit there. find one of your freinds that knows how to hook it up or hire an electrician to do the tie-in. that should save a ton of money. i dont know about NC, but in my municipality as far as i know, the "home owner" is allowed to do his own ellectrical and work when it comes to outlets, wiring and breakers. the only time you need the electrician and the inspector is when you are upgrading, adding, or replacing your breaker box
i would go to home depot and get everything you need (gfci outlet, wire, breaker, and a few wire nuts) and run it yourself. get the outlet mounted where you want it and stuff the wire thru the box and give a foot or two hanging out. then run the wire over too the box and leave the rest of the spool sit there. find one of your freinds that knows how to hook it up or hire an electrician to do the tie-in. that should save a ton of money. i dont know about NC, but in my municipality as far as i know, the "home owner" is allowed to do his own ellectrical and work when it comes to outlets, wiring and breakers. the only time you need the electrician and the inspector is when you are upgrading, adding, or replacing your breaker box

yeah not fond of working with electricity.....a man has his limits.