There new els and I'll be going to crossroads motorplex on March 22 in jasper Florida to the southern thunder series and it will be during the day we have been there before but this will be our first time on els the track is always a hard track with a lot of bite and idk if my weight would matter but I'm running box stock 375lb
Southern Comfort has won a lot of races there and i know the track very well, even sponsored that series the last couple years until i moved away. Im not familiar with the FTS brand, get with someone who knows that brand. If you need help with the track, id be more than happy.
Keefee, If I was going to Crossroads I would be on Earl's Southern Comfort EL plan and be on the phone finding out all I could! Definitely none better at Crossroads!
Dale Gardner at 863-661-1372. Him and Kris Heltzel are local and have won many races and track championships there. He is also a FTS distributor and can help you with the FTS line.