Flywheel Removal


New member
Just watched the YouTube video ARC Racing did on their flywheel installation and removal. On the video he used a pretty slick modified torque converter backplate off a jr dragster to keep the crank from turning. I looked online and it looks like getting something similar is about $65. The video also mentioned using an old clutch but I don't have a spare I can use.

What is everyone using to stop the crank for working on the flywheel? I was hoping I could make a trip to the hardware store and make something that will do or if someone knows of a tool for this?
This is down and dirty. Might create a bur on the edge of the keyway and dent up a key but, just put a key in the keyway, tighten down a good smooth jaw adjustable wrench on th 3/4 dia. Turned the right way.......
I found an old pulley at the local Briggs shop, it was a keyed pulley about 4" in size, what I did was drill a hole in the pulley so It would catch one of the bottom bolt holes in the sidecover near the crank. Just had to put the pulley on, tighten the bolt just hand tight, and the crank couldn't move. This allows you to work on the flywheel side of the engine. You can find these pulleys at the hardware stores, just as them. Just need one for a 3/4" shaft, some have an Allen screw or setscrew instead of a key, which will work fine also.
You can also make a piston stop out of an old spark plug but I prefer not to put that kind of stress on the piston myself. Have seen it done and it does work, just not comfortable doing it myself.
I loosen the flywheel nut a couple turns, lift the engine just off the workbench surface BY THE FLYWHEEL and give the nut a good whack with a brass mallet.
Putting them back on, I set my air compressor to 80psi and use an impact, gets me 55-60ft/lbs of torque.