Gold Cup Clutches


New member
What clutch do people run in the Gold Cup? Gold cup rule 708.24 say a three shoe/spring is required whereas Briggs Rules allow a max of 9spring/6 shoe. Thanks!
I track tested my Hillard flame this weekend in Ocala Florida and all I can say is wow I can't wait to start the fine tuning of this clutch.
tyreguy, I tuned ours for the first time this weekend, made a big difference. Also found that I had it running backwards, so switching the shoes around might have been the difference. Regardless, the difference was there!
O1ron was going to pick uo new flame clutch for Ocala which color springs did you start with ? was the fat part of shoes leading or trailing ? thx for info
The shoes have to be set for the direction you are mounting the clutch. Gear in or out. I think most run them inboard. Your instructions should show you how to set them..