Grinder use


Just wanting people's opinions on technics on using a grind for better advantage on tire resurfing? Any opinions?
Honestly, everyone has their own personal preference. Some only go one way across the tire then others like both ways. The best way to learn is trial and error.
I use a belt sander with 80 grit make a couple of passes each way with the nose only at about 30 degrees angle then finish with 120 grit the same way. Not sure if that's the best way but I've done it for many years like this.
Turn the tire around 300-350 rpm.

Wet the tire with Windex non-ammoniated window cleaner.

Firmly hold the belt sander with two hands. Sand using primarily the nose of the belt sander across the tire at a 90* angle to the direction of rotation.
Use minimal sanding pressure.
The resulting finish will be about 30* depending on the rpm of your lathe/finishing stand & the rpm of your belt sander.

After you've made a couple of passes each direction, change belts to a finer finish if desired and repeat the process.
Be sure to keep the tire "wet" to keep it cool as you sand/grind.

I use a household scrub brush to final wipe the tire clean while it's turning, and finish up with blowing off any dust or rubber particles with compressed air.
Tire spinning away from you! Belt sander is turning opposite direction,(bottom coming towards you). You are holding belt sander with nose pointed up. If you are on left side of tire pitch your sander 30* to the left. Then move sander to the right. If your on the right do the opposite. Hope this helps.