Harrisburg PA Swap Meet-- Cole Achey Performance


Cole Achey Performance will be offering special Pre Order pricing on select products for delivery to the Harrisburg PA Swap Meet on November 6th. These products will need to be paid in full by Friday, October 30th in order to reserve pricing/product.

DWT and VanK Wheel Sets-

$125.00 Black
$117.00 Silver

*Individual wheel pricing is reflected on my online store*

Bully Clutches-

$255.00 W/o sprocket
$270.00 W/ sprocket choice

Verbal orders will be kept as long as supply is available. Only way to secure products and to save on shipping is to have them paid in advance for delivery. Excess supply will be limited, don't miss out on these killer deals!


Cole Achey
Cole Achey Performance, LLC
(717) 926-3040
Other items to be included-

Intercomp digital air gauge-- $275.00

Intercomp standard durometer-- $50.00

Don't miss out on these deals. Quantities will be limited or not available at the swap meet.