Helmet shield fogging up


New member
How do I keep the helmet shield from fogging up we went racing the other night it was cold and we can keep her home it's Clear I cracked it open just a bit while racing it helped a little bit not much is there anything I can put on the helmet shield to stop this from happening
Liquid dish soap, Ajax....Rub it on the inside, outside leave it for about an hour then rub it off with a clean towel. do it every week ......no water added.......
Just spit on it and rub it around. Also they make an anti-fog cloth for ski goggles. They're cheap and they worked real good. Any ski shop has them. I'm sure you could buy them online.

From the desk of Al Nunley
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If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory. (Al Nunley)
All great ideas but the answer in Fogtech, it's a paintball mask non fog wipe! It works great and with shipping @15.00! Fogtech anti fog solution!