Keystone UAS @ Race 1 5/24


After a rainout a couple of weeks ago, the Keystone All Stars are looking to get back out on the tracks of Western PA when they will be at Race-1 Motorspeedway Saturday Night!

Hotlaps Start at 6:30
Entry fee $30
Pits $15
General Admission $7

Unfortunately, some early sponsorship fell through so this will be a regular payback race.

I want to note that Saturday is a special race day for this track because they normally race on Friday night. Memorial and Labor Day Weekends, Andy runs a special on Saturday. The UAS is a part of the Saturday night race. Friday night is a regular schedule race for Race-1 so if anyone wants to come out and test/tune Friday that will be possible.

No word yet on where the 1/4 pts race that was rained out at Naugle's will be.

Hope to fill the track with opens this Saturday of Memorial Weekend!