Need help identifying Chassis


I'm trying to find information about this kart. Was told it's an Advantage Kart and from the second picture it does look like the font on the bar below the steering shaft says Advantage Kart but it is blurry. I cannot find any information by that name. Any information I can find will be great. Thanks in advance.
xxx#40 99 out of 100 lol. It may be a Olsen but it is definitely not like my X. The bars that connect the x are wrong and the bars under the seat are different. I still run mine Saturday night stuff with open 2cycle. Greg had some off the wall designs but they can still work ok but not with today's setups. later Chuck
My Olsen is a 89. Most of the older Olson's have a brace on the cassette bracket.The steering upright on mine originally was adjustable. later Chuck.