Need info for Tanner Scales


I have a set of Tanner Racing Scales and need to have them calibrated. I've looked on line for Tanner but only find Dealers for them. Anyone have any info on getting these repaired, or anyone who repairs them? Thanks in advance.
Search for a scale company in your local area, and they will be able to calibrate your scales with certified test weights. Usually they can also deal with the company themselves if any information or parts are needed. This is usually cheaper than shipping out to Washington state (I think that's where Tanner is) and probably quicker. I don't remember if the Tanners are digital calibration or are adjusted with pots, but they will be able to hook you up.
There's more than a good chance that those scales came through our shop at one time. Mittler Brothers out of Missouri now handles the Tanner brand. You can send the scales to them, or if you wish, you may send them here and we'll send them on.

Here is their website.

GREAT people to deal with!

Thanks and God bless,
Brian Carlson
Carlson Racing Engines
Vector Cuts
Celebrating 25 years of service to the karting industry
Thanks Brian...I'll talk to them at the PRI show in Indy next week. I usually visit their booth. I heard that Mittler bought out Tanner, so it might be a win win.