Need information on purchasing land to build a track

Im looking to lease or purchase a piece of land ny longisland. I figured I need min 3 acres to build a small pavement track. I don't even know where to begin, has anyone done this from the start?
Id like to lease, I spoke with someone who has a dirt bike track. land is privately owned. Another guy leased 3 acres for $1100 a month but the town booted him out, they told him its historic farm land. This is something im looking to do in another year or so but need to know where to start.
If I lease, im sure landowner is going to have ton of questions, insurance I have covered. that's it though. but noise levels, whats a race put out? I need information to find out from the town if I can do this before I invest a ton of money and get shut down. Any info id appreciate.
Another club I was part of we could rent a parking lot then place cones. But now that's land that's just paved (parking lot) So do I buy land and pave a parking loit? the stripe a track? town knows of a parking lot?lol
I haven't done it (yet, one day)...but I would start with the local officials. From there, if there is a neighborhood association or anything of the sort make sure you are in good with them. I know of many tracks that offer free tickets and occasionally concessions to the neighbors in exchange for letting them race. Local big car track was threatened to be shut down by the township because someone bought a dream house thinking the cars wouldn't be loud. It was a rare exception where the track won lol

Also, make sure you have the interest for the track. I know where I live, there is nothing here oval wise so competition isn't a issue...however that doesn't translate to a sustainable kart count. And make sure before you open all of your ducks are in a row business wise...I've heard of tracks go down because of that too. Good luck.
Best way to start is thru city/county commissioners and INVITE neighbors affected in area to have some input. Best for all parties involved that way you won't get booted by complaining neighbors of track
Sal Noto once told me that it is foolish to even think of any track in N.Y., N.J., L.I. and not too sure about Pa. That was over 20 yrs. ago so who knows today.
PA isn't much of a problem, but based on too many years living on Long Island (7), my first thought would be to decide where you want to move (outside of LY, and NJ and probably most of upstate NY) in order to have a ghost of a chance of starting a track. Long Island is about the last place (IMO) that the local zoning people would consider such a move. Best of luck, but investigate whether your local zoning board will even let you finish making the request before throwing you out of their hearing room.

You want an asphalt track, I can put you in touch with a nice karting facility in the Saylorsburg, PA area (just north of Nazareth) that is on the block due to the death of the owner......