Yeti Racing
New member
Once again, not sure this has ever been discussed on the Bob's General Forum but thought it would be an immensely beneficial thread to newbies and perhaps all before all the " elders " pass on. Just say'n , but no offense intended as I'm in the later years as well. Ok, I digress, let's focus on, but not limited to, clutches of all types, engines, calipers, master cylinders, j/s, seats, digital information systems etc...
To start the discussion let's discuss clutches of various types (i.e. wet, dry, j/s clutches, engine clutches TD-43 Tomars, birkey's, SMC axle clutches, among others. - IMHO - It all comes down to TRUST. In any used clutch or part it's a "pig in a poke" pics or no pics bc unless u have expertise and the luxury of physical inside inspection with proper tools/instruments in hand it's all moot. U r trusting the seller (who probably trusted the seller or craftsman before him and the seller doesn't know a damn thing about the internals anyway bc he more often than not didn't do the work). You are only buying the "guesstimated" hours left on the clutch until mean failure and you have the "Russian Roulette" risk factor. If it's a used rebuild then you are "trusting" the craftsman's skill who hopefully did the job, you hope, minimally correct per industry standards and you get full rebuild time service less the risk of core housing or hub failure. In the later scenario, hopefully you have certainly paid for some mitigating risk & reassurances albeit still with some unforeseen risk. With "new" You are "Trusting" the OEM, paying at least double plus in some cases tax, BUT you should be paying for full life service from a 0 time clutch or part with very minimal risk, as there's usually no warranty on race parts. - JMHO
That should be good enough to get us going.
I believe it would be beneficial to the karting community for all of your input
Thanks - Yeti
To start the discussion let's discuss clutches of various types (i.e. wet, dry, j/s clutches, engine clutches TD-43 Tomars, birkey's, SMC axle clutches, among others. - IMHO - It all comes down to TRUST. In any used clutch or part it's a "pig in a poke" pics or no pics bc unless u have expertise and the luxury of physical inside inspection with proper tools/instruments in hand it's all moot. U r trusting the seller (who probably trusted the seller or craftsman before him and the seller doesn't know a damn thing about the internals anyway bc he more often than not didn't do the work). You are only buying the "guesstimated" hours left on the clutch until mean failure and you have the "Russian Roulette" risk factor. If it's a used rebuild then you are "trusting" the craftsman's skill who hopefully did the job, you hope, minimally correct per industry standards and you get full rebuild time service less the risk of core housing or hub failure. In the later scenario, hopefully you have certainly paid for some mitigating risk & reassurances albeit still with some unforeseen risk. With "new" You are "Trusting" the OEM, paying at least double plus in some cases tax, BUT you should be paying for full life service from a 0 time clutch or part with very minimal risk, as there's usually no warranty on race parts. - JMHO
That should be good enough to get us going.
I believe it would be beneficial to the karting community for all of your input
Thanks - Yeti