Non-Aggressive Prep

FFTS Hard or WAK'S purple will do what your looking for. Most all of the prep lines will have something that will work for that situation.
FTS slight bite sounds more like what this guy is asking for than anything else mentioned. He is wanting a prep to add only a little bite, most of those mentioned give good bite from what iv seen and experienced with using them
If you need "very little bite" and "no softening" then what is the point of prepping? Serious question. Maybe washing them with some simple green or a light coat of WD40 will give the tires what you are looking for?

Look for a new Prep coming soon. Designed to be very mild for high bite conditions while still conditioning the tire for better heat resistance. This will be an excellent prep for the new Kings which do not need softening.

Bondatti ROYAL BLUE pre race wipe and conditioner.
Agree with Troy and Chris on the TT line-up...Ruby works well in that situation - diamond as well.

HL2 will soften some but does a nice job of adding just a bit of bite.
LS2 works well in that situation as well.

I would think for the condition you are talking about - something just to fire the tire would be in order....TT Orange would do that.

Our Pink Panther does a fine job (and can be used for conditioning and softening if rolled or wiped several times.) Very versatile prep.
Our Green Dragon Grip is good to open the pores for just a bit more bite (qualifying - or first two laps of a run) on hard tracks.

Feel free to contact me directly if you need more information or like to place an order.
Thanks and God bless,
Brian Carlson
Carlson Racing Engines
Vector Cuts
Celebrating 25 years of service to the karting industry