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What kind of household or garage products can I use to open up and old set of burris dxb tires? I have them down to 45 durro but I have hit a wall and have tried a heat gun and everything but it won't go down any lower
you mix two 5 gallon buckets of toluene and xylene to gather then just add 4 ounces of sealer? or do you start with 2 pints of toluene and xylene?
Well here is the deal... I'm going to try this but a guy we run with showed up a week ago and I was talking to him and leaned over and put my hand on his tire and it felt like bubblegum, he wins all the time and the stuff he uses is very brown/black in color and has a yellow tint and it smells very prominent of pb blaster..... Any idea what that crap is?
Many quick acting home made preps are basically a 50/50 mixture of Toluene and Xylene; if you are in a hurry at the track, you use it as-is, if you wish to slow down the evaporation rate you add add 2-4 ounces of WD-40 to a quart of the mixture, if you want to slow it down a bunch more, you add 2-4 ounces of automatic transmission fluid to a quart of the mixture, with or without the WD-40. Here's where it gets to what you are looking for: instead of automatic transmission fluid, substitute automatic transmission SEALER, the stuff they sell to make the seals in old auto transmissions swell up and do there job again for a few more thousand miles before you need new seals (and probably a rebuild) because it's leaking so bad.
The automatic transmission sealer version of this old recipe is worth a try on your tires - go with the full 4 ounces. If you haven't played with home made preps before, Toluene and Xylene are paint thinners and can be bought at any paint store or found in the paint department at Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and usually WalMart.
Mixing industrial chemicals doesn't sound like a real good idea.