Philip seymour hoffman dead

seen it earlier.... I honestly didnt recognize that he was Dusty from the movie Twister.. sad to hear what happened and how it happened.
I don't understand it...these celebrities and stars have the world by the butt, and destroy themselves with drugs. The families are who I feel sorry for.
Celebrities are only a microcosm of our society as a whole. It is no more tragic for a celebrity to die than it is for the local crackhead on our street corner. A wasted life is just that. I think we hold those who are famous in too high a regard, and often give them a pass for abhorrent behavior when we would harshly chastise those around us for the same. His family deserves our prayers.
Celebrities are only a microcosm of our society as a whole. It is no more tragic for a celebrity to die than it is for the local crackhead on our street corner. A wasted life is just that. I think we hold those who are famous in too high a regard, and often give them a pass for abhorrent behavior when we would harshly chastise those around us for the same. His family deserves our prayers.
You hit that nicely . I have seen it first hand, and it's hard to understand for sure.