by the pic, can anyone tell me what brand this might be?
Yep, I was about to ask my wife for a recommendation .......I was kind of worried a bought what id find when I opened this...
i was kind of worried a bought what id find when i opened this...
Well, guess it dont matter much, a guy here local put it up for sale on the local FB online yardsale - $50 obo, we offered him $40, he accepted, was ready to get in car to go get it and miraculously he wasnt home and wouldnt be home til late then well we'd have to make it a diff day, granted today is Christmas, but not a word since Sunday evening and suddenly the ad is removed from the online yardsale .... granted it's $40 that stays in my pocket but still. So what it is, where to get a carb, how fun it would be, how unsafe it woulda been - all for not as the deal done fell south. Just my luck.