Correct me if Im wrong. Ive seen that the new predators with cast valve covers are a flat top piston and 14cc head???
Are these as easy to build as the clones? Any advantage or disadvantage to these? Whats the most power you can get out of one with race fuel? Roundabout.
Yes, they are flat top piston engines, but the heads are not 14cc, they are 22cc.
Will a 14cc clone bolt up?
Really? Why? What Im getting at is Im looking to build another motor for next year. As you know its a lowend tq motor and track. We dont turn more than 7000rpm and only that for like 3 seconds literally. Havent decided on M5 or race fuel. If I can get M5 to smell like race fuel Im all No rules track except they frown upon alky.
Thinking 14cc head with bigger valves or 18cc head with bigger valves. Need the compression to be high for the low end.
Yea Ive been wondering this myself. Im thinking I might try an 18cc this next go around. I want to see what the bigger valves will do for lowend tq. Need to wind up faster.