The real problem is...
I have a buddy that had a hot box explode and blow the whole lid off and bout burnt the whole place down! And it had a heat gun
Yes torches can be dangerous but a heat gun or hotbox will not do the same thing as a torch. Why do you think at the big races you see us all torching tires instead of using hot boxes or heat guns?
I seen this happen one time inside a trailer...very dangerous inside close quarters...they liked to never got it out...kart from trailer or fire out...LOL
bigcat6 I just had a friend that had a hotbox explode on him and burnt him up pretty good. The fumes from the tires are trapped in the box and when you get a spark your in more trouble than having a tire in the open with a torch.
Never "TORCH" a tire. This is dangerous and foolish.
Never roll an external prep in a pan in a closed box.
It is a waste, not repeatable, and can be very dangerous.
The real problem is not knowing the Flash Point of what you are using.
You need safety data on the can or the MSDS. It is supposed to be on one or the other or both.
If the racer doesn't get this data the racer is using the prep at his own risk.
Don't roll external preps in pans in closed boxes that are hotter than the flash point of the chemical.
Rolling in a pan, in closed box using a pan, is also a waste of prep.
Track Tac Products and Venom Juice Products never recommend rolling externally for many reasons, this is one of them. Enclosed boxes can explode.
Track Tac® Products in plastic bottles have Flash Points of 200 Deg F or greater.
Track Tac® Products in metal cans without ORM-D tags have Flash Points of 105 Deg F or greater.
Venom Juice™ Products in plastic bottles have Flash Points of 200 Deg F or greater.
Venom Juice™ Products in metal cans without ORM-D tags have Flash Points of 105 Deg F or greater.
Ask your prep supplier what the flash point of their product is.
I know most of the popular preps, but it is not my place to divulge this data.
It is the manufacturer/suppliers duty. Read the section about external rolling.
Hope this helps,