Ok since I was dropped on my head let me dumb this down so someone with your ignorance can understand. You don't hold the tire or rubber part in your hand while torching, you hold the center of the wheel. You do realize that the chemical may have a low flash point but the rubber doesn't. You can burn the chemical off way before the tire will start to burn. This isn't Hollywood and the tire will not explode in your face. You sir have made the dumbest post of this thread and have shown your lack of intelligence. Have a good day and flame on.
^^^^^^^Well done......LMBO!^^^^^^
I am sure everyone has seen that warning label on a given product and said who would try that?
Well the warning came after a person tried to do something just plain foolish and then sued because he was not warned not to do a particular thing.
Flammable and combustible chemicals should be kept away from an open flame.
Don't even try to argue it is OK.
This is everyone's warning.
For those who wish to continue, you do it at your own risk.
Also for those who wish to continue please contact Bill Engvall and request one of his signs.
All the best,
You can fix stupid Randy, you guys should ask the Renfro family about torching tires in there trailer. What happened to them is why WKA tried to get rid of prep years ago.
What happens in 10 years or so when kartser are eat up with cancer from these preps? Be too late then. Preps are a bad thing.