prepping tires

No one is sueing no one Randy...they are just saying how to torch a tires the right he said...thanks for keeping many safe ...but, leave it alone...we do what we want when we want...last I checked..FREE country...well, almost....LOL
Ok since I was dropped on my head let me dumb this down so someone with your ignorance can understand. You don't hold the tire or rubber part in your hand while torching, you hold the center of the wheel. You do realize that the chemical may have a low flash point but the rubber doesn't. You can burn the chemical off way before the tire will start to burn. This isn't Hollywood and the tire will not explode in your face. You sir have made the dumbest post of this thread and have shown your lack of intelligence. Have a good day and flame on.

Common sense is in short supply
And here you go lol.


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yes common sense hold the thing that with catch fire or explode in your hand and throw that sob and run like hell if it does . never mount it to something out in the open or have an extinguisher near by . also make sure the flames shoot up your arm and get your eye brows so we can see the master of common sense when he struts thru the pit area
I've read on the old Bob's before about torching a tire damages it. Is that not true? WHat are the advantages of torching tires other than getting it hot really quick to open the pores up more?
I am sure everyone has seen that warning label on a given product and said who would try that?
Well the warning came after a person tried to do something just plain foolish and then sued because he was not warned not to do a particular thing.
Flammable and combustible chemicals should be kept away from an open flame.
Don't even try to argue it is OK.
This is everyone's warning.
For those who wish to continue, you do it at your own risk.
Also for those who wish to continue please contact Bill Engvall and request one of his signs.

All the best,

You can fix stupid Randy, you guys should ask the Renfro family about torching tires in there trailer. What happened to them is why WKA tried to get rid of prep years ago.
no preps would be just fine for those without deeeeep pockets ,like me . if you don't have preps, a tire program and about 100 tires you can't run to win anymore
What happens in 10 years or so when kartser are eat up with cancer from these preps? Be too late then. Preps are a bad thing.
You can fix stupid Randy, you guys should ask the Renfro family about torching tires in there trailer. What happened to them is why WKA tried to get rid of prep years ago.

I would have to agree. You have to be pretty stupid to burn your trailer down. You also have to be pretty stupid to have another man tell you what's dangerous and what to and not to do. Then again some people cant function in life without someone telling them how to live.
What happens in 10 years or so when kartser are eat up with cancer from these preps? Be too late then. Preps are a bad thing.

People have been warned since at least the 1950's that smoking causes cancer, yet lots people still smoke every day. I agree, preps can be dangerous when used without some precautions, but also adding a little common sense with it, will go a long way in lessening the dangers of it, JMHO.
So are salty potato ya ate some today...LOL..and sugar and cup cakes and cheese....LOL..and definetly never drink spoiled milk....Just kidding...but , we all know or most any how...that chemicals can be bad news...but , society makes them chemicals...and they are for sale...JMO