stagger (ing) troubles


New member
running a short, limited banking track, everyone ive talked to including the owner says that they are running at least 1.5 inches stagger im kinda new to it and at the current moment haven't messed much with that as the speedway we run, we run 3/4 ish stagger how do I achieve the 1.5 difference?
could it be done by running a lf tire on the lr also, as in the shorter narrower one. or do I need to try and grow the RR or shrink the LR running maxxis pinks and blues.
itll be every other week all winter just bought a new set of tires 10.5 X 4.5-6 HT3 Maxxis Tire is what I have for the LF so maybe put it on a 7 or 8 wide wheel ?
You can put a lf on a 7" wheel, I have done that before to get stagger for indoor racing, but I prefer to stretch/shrink the left side tires to get the stagger I need and leave the rights the same size. I keep all of my rights at 34", and the left side tires I put on different wheel widths depending on the stagger I want. Normally, with right sides on 10" wheels, left rear on 8.5" wheel, and lf on 6.5" wheels, I get 1 1/2 front stagger and 1 1/4" rear stagger, which works well for most of the tracks I run at. Then ill also have several left rears in 8 1/4" wheels also so I can easily change rear stagger to 1" if I need to. You can use a hotbox or a torch to shrink or stretch the tires to the size you need, I prefer the torch or an oven because its quicker and easier for me that way. Torch is a quick way to change stagger when at the track, just have to be careful and evenly heat the tire. Use a hotbox at tracks that don't allow an open flame like a torch.
Normally, with right sides on 10" wheels, left rear on 8.5" wheel, and lf on 6.5" wheels, I get 1 1/2 front stagger and 1 1/4" rear stagger, which works well for most of the tracks I run at.
Why is a tire bigger around on a wider rim? Honest question. I would think just the opposite.

From the desk of Al Nunley
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory. (Al Nunley)
Not sure what you mean Al, I didn't say anything about a tire being bigger on a wider rim as opposed to a narrow rim. You would be right, a tire thats 34" on a 10" rim would be smaller diameter if put on a wider rim, like 10.5" wheel, or would be bigger if it was put on a narrower wheel like 9.5" wheel. Your standing the sidewalls up more by putting the tire on a narrower wheel, this is why the tire is a bigger diameter on the narrow wheel. But keep in mind, using a tire on a wider or narrower wheel will also change how the chassis handles, because the narrower or wider wheel will change the amount of natural bite that tire has or makes. Putting a 11x8 right side tire on a 9" wheel will give that tire more sidebite and tighten up the chassis as opposed to putting that same 11x8 tire on a 10" wheel, which would stretch the sidewalls out more and free up the chassis, making more roll speed and less natural bite in that tire. That is how it was explained to me when I first started out and has stuck with me.