Tech performed out in the open vs tech room.

Should be conducted with one representative of the engine being teched in the tech barn with tech officials only.
No one else should be in there.

Now, precursory tech like fuel, air filter, restrictor plates, etc, should be no problem to do in open.

🏁Thanks and God bless,
Brian Carlson
Carlson Racing Engines
Vector Cutz
Carlson Motorsports on Facebook
31 years of service to the karting industry
Linden, IN
I agree. I learned a few tricks this past weekend by watching a guy tech engines with a crowd around him. Several local builders engines. And watched him tech an engine he built.
The guy who protested if there is one only goes in when his engine goes in which is first, then if it passes the protested engine goes in with techman, owner, his engine builder if present, the protester is not allowed in with the protested engine.
I don't think there is any protocol spelled out in the rules? Don't want anyone seeing your clever but legal tricks? If I pay good money for a protest I want to be in there to make sure they're not just laughing as they divide up the cash.
I don't think there is any protocol spelled out in the rules? Don't want anyone seeing your clever but legal tricks? If I pay good money for a protest I want to be in there to make sure they're not just laughing as they divide up the cash.
There are more tracks than not your not getting in !! Don't forget your not only paying your engine goes apart first.
What is the problem with the protester being present in tech ? He paid...his motor was checked first and I hate to tell you but not ALL tech guys are created equal. We all hope a tech guy wouldn't say close enough but IT HAPPENS...we all hope that if motor doesn't meet specs its disqualified but I know for sure that isn't always the case the protest starts with money being put up and only ends after protester sees the engine in question is legal.... besides what difference does it make that protester gets to see inside motor when if there are any secrets inside motor that are legal they mean more to tech guy than protester because most tech guys also make money building engines so think about it !!!
Biggest reason is it just starts a peeing contest in tech and the protester tries to tell the tech guy how to do his job, coming up with every excuse in the book to toss the engine and would make tech take twice as long, plus If it were allowed there would be more engine builders present protesting just to steal speed secrets. Remember the engine owner and his builder are allowed in if present, so in that case the builders would be getting others secrets. You have a lot more Competitive stupidity goes on than Bias tech guy's, If the protesters engine didn't go first and protester was allowed in when protested engine got tore down it would only promote more Competitive Stupidity.
Never seen it where the guy protesting gets his engine pulled first (if I read that correctly) but then I don't go to lots of tracks and have only protested one guy (which I later regretted doing) It would seem to me that in order to pull the protester's engine, the guy being protested would have to cough up his protest fee also.
The reason I would want to 'see' the protest if I paid for it, is so that no one gets a nod and a wink cause they are a top dog and bring in $$ or best friends with the tech guy etc.
The way I look at it, (as an engine builder,) is if you want to see inside my engine, you can purchase one.
You're not going to see inside of it for a nominal protest fee.

As a tech man, it's my responsibility that each engine is teched with ONE representative of that engine with me in the tech barn. No one else. I don't care if the protester spent an exorbitant amount to protest the competitor's engine, he is NOT going to see inside of it, or try to influence any decision on it's legality.

Some tracks do have a protest rule where the guy doing the protesting is torn down first. I think this is more prevalent in areas where you do not have mandatory tech and subsequently have a considerable amount of cheating going on. The prevalent thought is that "the other guy MUST be cheating because I am cheating." This rule stops all the frivolous protests out of spite for their competitor. (it happens)
A good tech guy is friends with everyone and has an it is what it is attitude, he's there to prove everyone legal. Protest fee is paid track keeps a % age, If protested engine is deemed Illegal protester gets % age back, If protested engine is legal the owner of the protested engine gets the other % age of the money.
Always trusted our local tech man .
WKA and IKF one rep for the engine one tech man .
Thats ancient History now .
The protester is not going to see my engine .
I take the DQ First .
The way I look at it, (as an engine builder,) is if you want to see inside my engine, you can purchase one.
You're not going to see inside of it for a nominal protest fee.

You can bet that almost every engine builder has seen the inside of his competitors engines. As my builder explained to me before he retired "I've had almost every major builders engines come into my shop. I know what all of the other builders are doing"
That's right. I have no argument with your statement.
My dyno room door is covered with engine decals from customer engines' previous builders.

Seeing them come through the engine shop, and seeing them come through the tech barn should be VERY different circumstances.
As a tech man (AND as a competitor,) If I as much as see a notebook and pen come out, (or I-phone by today's standards), in the tech barn - I stop immediately and ask that person to leave.
And that is what I'm saying most tech guys build motors so they are gaining knowledge and it is more that I know some tech guys are letting things go cuz it's close enough.... but how about these tracks that want to tech a motor for 50 or less payout ...I dont refuse any tech I'm legal but hate to have motor opened up for a small payout ...but I also dont understand why the protester shouldn't make sure tech is on the up and up ....engine is either legal or not ....why allow the engine builder in the shack ? Some tech guys could be convinced something is legal in a gray area and let's get real there are no huge visual secrets that someone will see as motor is in tech ...get real ....this is about keeping the tech guy in check not seeing inside engine with the naked eye and somehow getting a speed secret with out holding the tools that hogwash
Always trusted our local tech man .
WKA and IKF one rep for the engine one tech man .
Thats ancient History now .
The protester is not going to see my engine .
I take the DQ First .
If I understand the rules correctly, if you decline to have your engine torn down under protest, you forfeit your win and $$. IF I finish second behind you and know you will always take the DQ, I'm protesting every time for the win. :cool: JK