

looking for some help... if you were running a long straight away with tight turns dry slick track with open tire rule an had a choice between burris 33s, maxiss blue left side pink right sides, yellow vegas, firestones, or hoosiers what would be the best... thanks
looking for some help... if you were running a long straight away with tight turns dry slick track with open tire rule an had a choice between burris 33s, maxiss blue left side pink right sides, yellow vegas, firestones, or hoosiers what would be the best... thanks

You say Dry Slick so I assume pretty Hard as well ?
I see your in Ohio and that is why I will give the answer I am going to.... We have ran at many open tire rule tracks up here in Ohio and PA and on the dry slick tracks we have had the Vegas rolling very very good and my customers will back this statement all day. Now if you where in another area my answer would be different but knowing about where you are I would be on a yellow vega with alittle prep work done.
Get you a set of Yellow VEGA MBS tires that have not been prepped. Roll Corner Speed on the inside and wipe Acrysol on the outside before Hitting the track. If you need some help or would like tires give me a call. I have good used and new VEGA tires. Thanks, Blake. 706-870-2713
Race with saw76, Thay reworked the track , Thers a fair amount of small rock, you could sink the surface 1/2 to 3/4 at the most, the dust was the heavy kind coated every thing on the kart ,altough a improvment over the way it was, The dust was the worest iv ever seen. Thats with rain prior to raceing. Is what your saying you dont want to prep as mutch or any in dusty conditions, What duro range woud you suggest say for vega, hoosers, maxxis, burris. preping the max/burs vs preping the vega/hoosers, Would you want more or less tread in theys condthions. Thanks