What Kart Trolleys you all using?


New member
Hey all! First off I'm from the UK and stumbled upon this great place a few days ago. I was talking to @Bob Evans via PM about how unique your karting scene is in the USA and elsewhere. We do alot of short oval racing here in the UK with cars and also incorporate what we call "Ninja Karts" for kids. But I can't say we take it to the extreme you guys have, it's great!

I'm here for some insight and information if I'm honest, as you guys do things alot different than us. I run a similar forum to this over in the UK and have recently done a small tutorial on the current style Kart Trolleys available in the UK. My question; do you guys use the same style Kart Trolleys, if not what are you all using? I'm intrigued to what you guys use for sure!

You can see the small article here: KartingForum.co.uk Presents: 'Karting Trolleys & Stands, and which one is best for you?'

They are the main/popular Kart Trolleys use over here. There are also various versions of the one man Kart Trolley are are winch operated etc.

Look forward to hearing from you guys! (y)

Oh I have also put a link to https://4cycle.com/ on our Forum's Homepage. As I'm sure more from the UK would like to find you guys and see what you get up to :cool:
Thanks for the info guys! I must say, 90% of the Trolleys seem alot more rugged and bigger than the ones in the UK! These looks particularly unique, never seen something like this... :cool: :oops: