W WIN/RAY50 New member Dec 12, 2013 #1 hey guys i have a edge talon go-kart iam wanting to put a wiggy bar under my seat but dont have an idea what brand will work
hey guys i have a edge talon go-kart iam wanting to put a wiggy bar under my seat but dont have an idea what brand will work
XXX#40 2A supporter Dec 13, 2013 #2 The wiggy bar was designed for 1 kart, and because it worked with that 1 kart everyone thought they had to have one which is untrue
The wiggy bar was designed for 1 kart, and because it worked with that 1 kart everyone thought they had to have one which is untrue
KKania17 Member Dec 13, 2013 #3 I put one on my Infiniti... Looked nice, worked a lot better without it sold it
J johnelliott Member Dec 14, 2013 #4 I have a new, straight Wiggy bar with all hardware and seat struts.. $100 to your door. John
will_ivy Member Dec 26, 2013 #5 johnelliott said: I have a new, straight Wiggy bar with all hardware and seat struts.. $100 to your door. John Click to expand... What kart was it for?
johnelliott said: I have a new, straight Wiggy bar with all hardware and seat struts.. $100 to your door. John Click to expand... What kart was it for?
J johnelliott Member Dec 26, 2013 #6 Phantom product-- 20 1/2" long. Same as the ones on my Seraph and my Icon. John
B brs11 Member May 13, 2014 #8 Edge talon does not need a wiggy bar, i ran one for the first year they was out and won many races on it the way it was.
Edge talon does not need a wiggy bar, i ran one for the first year they was out and won many races on it the way it was.