Yard Cart...?


New member
I just bought a cart off of craigslist last night. It needs a few odds and ends, but I'm more than capable. I got it because my son is five and is not ready to race yet, so I figured getting him something that he can at least learn how to drive around the yard would be a good start. I'm not sure if it is called a yard cart...it almost looks like a mini custom dune buggy...I'm looking for parts but it would help alot if I actually knew what it's called. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure how to attach a pic, but it has suspension, roll cage...the whole nine yards.
You're right "Yard Cart" as apposed to, racing Kart.
Its great to get him some wheel time.
With my kids on their yard cart I welded a plate with a hole for the throttle shaft to go through, drilled a hole in the shaft and stacked washers with a hairpin clip. As they got better I'd take a washer out.
I also put a pulley on the front bumper with a rope tied to the brake peddle so I could sit in the passenger seat and have a "dad brake" (didn't have to do that for long)
What parts are you looking for?
Well, I have a motor for it. Just need a brake line and a few other things. I just need to actually get it out of the trailer now. Lol. How do I put pictures on here?