another helmet question


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"Snell issues a new certification standard every 5 years. The current standard is M2010, which was a significant change over the previous M2005. Snells helmet testing is similar to DOT testing, but with additional requirements."

Taken from a previous post,... Snell, certifications are every 5 years... HOW LONG is that helmet good for... I'm looking at a 2005K (karting helmet) I'd like to find a 2010 but no one seems to have any..
if I buy the 2005 how long will it be good for in the eyes of WKA, AKRA?? didn't see it in either rule book..
Assistance please.
"Snell issues a new certification standard every 5 years. The current standard is M2010, which was a significant change over the previous M2005. Snells helmet testing is similar to DOT testing, but with additional requirements."

Taken from a previous post,... Snell, certifications are every 5 years... HOW LONG is that helmet good for... I'm looking at a 2005K (karting helmet) I'd like to find a 2010 but no one seems to have any..
if I buy the 2005 how long will it be good for in the eyes of WKA, AKRA?? didn't see it in either rule book..
Assistance please.

12/20 2016
So if I purchase a 2005k helmet its only good through the end of this year?? Helmet cert is then good for 10 years... a 2010 will get me to 2020 ??

If its a new helmet dont worry about it, when was the last time you seen them check helmets?
I hear talk about helmets all the time I believe u should always buy the best you can possibly can buy it makes me go crazy when a parent complains about a 300 to 500 dollar helmet and they go out and buy a 85 dollar used helmet there should be no cutting corners when safety involved I think the cheapest helmet that I bought my son years ago was 500 dollars
You can still get 2010 standard helmets online, but may have to spend some time finding your size. 2015s are out, and that's what the new stock is. I got a great deal on a Pyrotect 2010 closeout.