
we always run your normal small tracks, we are going to a 1/4 mile car track, we never been on a track that size, would we need to run different camber, we run 2.5 and .5 would that change on a big track and also cross and left side numbers, i know to run less stagger i dont know what else to change
Depends to some degree how much more, if any, banking change you will see. I raced occasionally at a 1/4 mile track in the area and other than gearing changes and increased air pressures (for more roll speed) didn't change anything else and was fast. It's mostly motor.
Provided the Big tracks racing surface compares closely to the smaller tracks you've been racing in terms of GRIP, Plus the Big Track turns are SWEEPING not paper clipped , Then YES you would tweak a few things for the Big track , " LIKE " Toe straight up , LF Pos Camber .2 Max , RF Neg Camber little more 2.8 Ish , Less Caster Split only 2 * , If you have Lead Adjustment available to you MIGHT consider Taking some out , Which would be same as Adding LAG .
But remember the Gearing change for Big Tracks the whole Ratio thing becomes more sensitive especially with the mini gears , you do not want to run a big track on a 13 or smaller front driver for sure , AS far as Front Driver choice If Mini gear system I'd use which ever front driver was needed to keep the rear close to a 50 rear , and for Regular gears I'd use which ever front driver was needed to keep the rear at a 58 That's for a Clone Engine , Plus your target RPM will be at least 200 rpm lower than the small tracks, even up to 400 rpm lower depending which class, If you have DYNO INFO pay more attention to your drops and hit your low number rpms , the high is what it is . Also with Gearing pay attention to any uphill pull that might be present ( if very slight don't worry about it ) , and most always If there is any it's on exit , in that case find your low and add 2 teeth .
Of course PROBABLY less rear stagger , but sometimes not near as much as one would think, you still want good Rotation, And yes higher Air will increase roll speed , BUT it's not an automatic add 2 lb or more as some think , you still need FORWARD DRIVE to be fast , If you go past the threshold and it slides you've defeated the purpose .
Warning in most area's big track surface conditions never match small kart tracks, they'll most always go much drier , more dusty because the track prep guy for the big track for cars, THINKS HE KNOWS WHAT TO DO FOR KARTS and in the end he's clueless .
So IF your racing in an area like OHIO where they never get enough moisture in the small kart tracks , and there not bringing in a more knowledgeable track prep person to prepare that big track surface , expect a very dry dusty, POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS Situation because it may get that dusty the karts can't see, when and If it comes to that DEMAND they take the time to water the track , If they refuse DO YOURSELF and YOUR FAMILY a FAVOR Especially if your child is racing .
Your going to see a lot of comments to this threat containing additional good info, But you'll have to sort them out in terms of DETAILS very Carefully .

Good Luck !!
we will prob be on about a 19 front driver and a 60ish rear ,we will go about 2.75 rf .3 lf, im not sure on cross and left, we on kinetik vulcans and we run 58.5 left and around 62-64 cross on our normal kart tracks, i dont know about this 1/4 mile car track, they dont run karts here its a benifit race and they have someone else coming in to do the track surface, i think someone that does the maxxis races
we will prob be on about a 19 front driver and a 60ish rear ,we will go about 2.75 rf .3 lf, im not sure on cross and left, we on kinetik vulcans and we run 58.5 left and around 62-64 cross on our normal kart tracks, i dont know about this 1/4 mile car track, they dont run karts here its a benifit race and they have someone else coming in to do the track surface, i think someone that does the maxxis races
Do you know if this Big track sets pretty level ? are the Turns more sweeping ?