Burris 33 only rule


New member
I was wondering if someone could educate us on Burris 33s.What is the best number ...letter code for a hard fast track.i remember being told that one code is better for qualifying while another code s more durable and can take heat better.Thanks in advavce for educated replies.
B33's for qualifying, SS33'S for a hard fast track. You can scuff a new set of tires and put them in a cool dry and dark place for a year or so and cure them, which will give you a better, harder set of tires. Do your prep work once they have cured.
What about at a track that has a terrible hard dry slick surface (like concrete underneath with a layer of dust) where hard 55s are the norm but are mandating a 33 only rule to "save the racers money"? I have old ss33 originals punching 65 left over from indoors the other year? Thoughts on 7.10s on 10" wheels?
What about at a track that has a terrible hard dry slick surface (like concrete underneath with a layer of dust) where hard 55s are the norm but are mandating a 33 only rule to "save the racers money"? I have old ss33 originals punching 65 left over from indoors the other year? Thoughts on 7.10s on 10" wheels?

Sounds like OV