Burris for 2014 "insane one"

Kevin Bishop Racing Development / Venom Juice Tyre Stimulant will be taking orders for Burris 33A through August 20. We have been cutting and scuffing these tyres for a month or so, to prepare for the 2014 "INSANE ONE".

We will continue to cut/size/stagger/balance and scuff/flip/scuff tyres until the event.

Prices are.....
$455.00 a set on Machine Van-K Pro Maxx Wheels
$467.00 a set on Anodized Van-K Pro Maxx Wheels

Add $22.00 for Douglas Q+.

Scuffing and doing this will aid in the curing process, and try to ensure that Venom Juice/KBRD customers have the best possible tyre program in place for this event.

Thank You,