Dzus fasteners breaking...

They breaking because the depth is too deep for the button. You can take a pliers and bend the spring closer to the tab and fix it. I do it all the time because mine get bent. I also have done it a million times on my sprint car. Or you have cheap dzus's. Like the above post said you can try speedway. But I've never seen them carry the 5/16 dzus's. If they do please post the link as I could use some spares also...
I bent the spring right up until the button was loose. The minute the button was snug enough to require even a little force on it, the end snapped off.

Yeah, Speedway only has .400 diameter. Ordered some .500 and .550 reach as well as the large diameter head buttons for the nose. Also added some different length springs just in case.
I had the same problem with the PRC buttons. I switched to the 3/8 stock car style ones with the flathead screwdriver slot and havent had any issues. I actually prefer to get ones that are a little too long, then I can use a fat fender washer under them
Pretty sure they're all 3/8 from Speedway.

You'd think a standard drill would be the case. Unless they are thinking a 7/16 drill to allow some alignment slop.

From the speedway site:

These 1/4 turn panel fasteners quickly fasten body panels, doors, tilt fronts and hood panels. Zinc plated steel.

Use .500" grip range for thin materials, use .550" for mid-materials, and .600" and up for thick materials.

Measurement Guide (Link)


Heads are .680"
Shank is .400"
The ones I use require the hole to be 29/64. That is why I dont have a problem. Get the BIG ones and no worries