EL prep?


New member
Gonna run an EL class this weekend and curious what I should do to prep them with between now and then. I have southern comfort inner and outer, and southern comfort soft. Also have some venom juice green and venom soak. And Track Tack purple, orange, grape, sqs, and a little red. The tires duro a little over 70 right now. I'm 3 weeks into kart racing and haven't even begun to understand the tire game yet, other than the fact that my tires have been too hard the last 2 weeks running the pinks/blues. I'm working on those now...... I've noticed that several prep makers have different preps for the ELs than other tires. Can their regular products be used on ELs? Based on what I have, anyone wanna take a stab at a recommendation for the ELs? I have several sets of them, so I don't mind if I screw one set up in the learning process........
You will need to use EL specific type preps to get them to bite correctly. Most all the major prep lines have EL specific products and they will gladly offer you instructions on how to use them based on the tracks and surfaces you race on. If at all possible, it's best to go with a product line that is supported at the track you run.....that way you have direct real time access to advice on product use.
I ran the EL race this weekend. There was only 3 of us in it. Seems nobody wants to run them at the track I'm running. I tended to agree with them. Them things are loose...... I'm gonna stick with the pinks/blues.
I have had great luck with my EL program, only need 2 chemicals, acetone and my EL outside prep. Call for details, 712 326 5133
The first piece of advice I can give you if you're just getting into racing is to choose one prep maker and make their line of preps work for you. If not, you will end up spending a lot of needless money and will only end up more confused and further from where you need to be than when you started. There are several great lines of tire preps on the market! Do your research and find a dealer that will give you technical support when needed and that has a proven winning record on the track. As both a racer and a maker of tire prep, I personally use one main outside prep for both T3 Maxxis' as well as EL Maxxis' (MASTER GRIP X-CALIBER). I do however use and offer a specific EL inside prep (MASTER GRIP EL INSIDE). And depending on track conditions I will sometimes wipe one coat of (MAX GRIP) just prior to going to the grid to qualify or race. At Master Grip Preps our EL tire program is second to none and a proven WINNER on the track! It's simple and it works. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me via Facebook (Rob Peacock Racing Services) or by phone 478-231-1555 or send me a PM here on Bob's. Whichever prep you choose I wish you the best of luck! Hope this helps...
