Emergency Contact Info


I added a new page to my Setup Sheets web page. It's call Emergency Contact Info. This should be filled out and taped to the inside of everyone's trailer door. It contains everything emergency responders and track personnel would need in case of an accident.

If anyone has any suggestions about anything else to add or change on any of the pages, please let me know. I want to keep the sport fun and safe for everyone.
on the back of my helmet (painted and clear coated) is my name, blood type, known alergies and a medic alert symbol for type 2 diabeties. also have a plastic card case pinned to the inside of my race jacket with the same info along with the emergency contact stuff. i've seen some have it stitched to thier race jackets on the front too. never can take too many chances when it comes to emergency stuff!!
I had something taped to my seat with that info. It was great for people that race alone. If you're at a track where no one knows you and the worst happens, you're covered. Even those that "knew" me didn't know my blood type, insurance info, emergency contact, etc.
even if you race in a crowd, the paramedics and ambulance people are looking at you and not really listening to someone in the crowd telling them who you are. this is the reason that i pinned the stuff inside my race jacket (even when i was racing cars). the helmet was from seeing it on the back of formula 1 drivers and a few nascar drivers, but they usually already have all thier stats on file in the infield care center, but watermelon capital speedway doesn't have! so i jsut transfer it from jacket to jacket and i'm in the process of custom painting my Simpson Voyager, so i'll paint it on there too!
And it might be a mistake to assume that the people attending to you would know you well enough to know what your trailer looks like and where that information is.

It might be a good idea to add a comment to your helmet information telling people where your complete history is located.

From the desk of Al Nunley
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory. (Al Nunley)
I also have a small bag of stuff hanging on the back of my truck drivers seat with my nitro pills, I make sure that my friends and driver know where it is. Many yrs. back a good friend that raced stock cars would go past the hospital in the city where the track was, to show any new crew members where he would be taken if needed from the track.