Florida AllStars race #1 in the books.

Clutch burning cautions? how about the fact we ran about 50 laps, and Eddie had a itty bitty fuel tank, what did that thing hold a 1/2 gallon? LOL
That was the best party we have ever had (uh Race) who was it that slipped in the mud puddle in front of the out house. Brought 2-gallons of apple pie and ran out way before the race started. Watchin Mike O'hara on a 2-stroke for the frist time, think he gave up 125lbs and finished second in his heat.ROFLMAO!!!
Terry Hollifield ran outlaw class also think we had 4 or 5 Terry won I think Cant remember who won the uas .
Eddie Schriefels won the fas /ncuas challenge in 05 at Loris . Fast eddie some 9 years later can still win any where any time.
Fast Eddie is "taking his talents" (sorry LeBron) to drag racing.
Sure hope he shows up and races with one of his Fast Eddie karts once in a while.
The guy is a winner! ;)