New to karting so deal with me easily. Understand how to read the gear charts. I know the gear will affect the rpm. How do you determine what the gear would do. If your try to hit max 6400 rpm. What do you use for that math. Or can you convert the gear your running over some how?
thank you in advance
with years of experience,
lots of experience, and going to a track you've never been to before, you might get close, but that's a big
a few fundamentals can help. For instance; with gear ratios in the 4.0 range, plus or minus, if you add one tooth to the axle you will need to pick up right about 100 RPM to be going the same speed at the end of the straight. The reverse is also true. For instance; if you subtract one tooth from the axle and lose 100 RPM, again you will be going the same speed. If you know what a rule of thumb is, this is one.
Now that 100 RPM number will change a little depending on how high, or low, the final gear ratio is. I have an Excel spreadsheet that tells me exactly.
One really dependable method; ask someone who races at the track you're going to. And don't wait till race day to ask.
Be aware that after the sun goes down, the "air density" will more than likely increase, and this means more power. More power means less gear. Depending on how much the air density goes up, you may be able to take one, maybe two, teeth off. Air density can also change your jetting needs, but I would suggest leaving that to after you get more experience.
"It's called tuning, and tuning is tough." (Al Nunley)
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
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