Koaseries rules update

Check out www.koaseries.com for updated rules. The download version will be updated shortly.

1. L206 Sr Champ will follow briggs rules.
A. Unaltered stock spark plug
B. Open clutch rule
C. Open air filter. Filter must be attached directly to the carb.

2. Heavy clone
A. Koa will follow pomfret pipe rule. My wording could be wrong but I believe its going to be max 14.5" from floor to bottom of silencer, Min 10" long. This rule is for the safety of the racers and not have a pipe head straight up and down.
Any oil, but id recommend 4t. that's what im using and selling now. Some would like it to be a spec oil, I just don't know how to police it. there is a gauge but when its proven to me it works we can always change the rule in the future.
Policing it may be difficult but not important. If you all run the same oil, you can send it all out for lab testing and see if there is variance. I agree, unlikely to do but it's another tool at our disposal.
the clone pipe is 14 max height measured from bottom of block on a level surface. min 10 inch long. max 15 long