liquid speed from 220 kartshop


New member
I was wondering if anyone is using liquid speed from 220 kartshop, I would like to know what you think about it, does it soften alot , are you mixing with acryosal, and can LS 1 be used as a wipe when the track is tacky. Any pros and cons would be appreciated. Thanks
It is not made by 220 kart shop anymore, it is made by another company that i believe bought that line of prep, Performance or Perfection or something like that. It is a great prep. The LS1 can be used trackside, yes, but i would not use it on a tacky track, use the LS3 on a tacky track then switch to the LS2 as the track dries out and gains bite. Only use the LS1 on a good high bite racetrack, thats what it is made for. I use the LS3 anytime the track is wet, and use a mix of LS2/LS3 50/50 when the track has moisture or is cold, and use LS2 when the track is dry and has a little bite, i only use the LS1 when the track gets rubbered up and makes good bite. That should work good for you if you folllow it. I wouldnt mix any of these preps with acrysol, there really is no need. You can mix any of the preps with each other for different effects or different conditions. LS1/LS2 50/50 works great for a day race on a dusty track too. Any of the Liquid Speed preps can be used trackside if you have a few minutes between races to let it dry, the LS1, LS2, and LS3 all take 3 mins or less to dry on a good warm day, i dont know about the LS4 since i never needed it, i just stick with the 1, 2 and 3
I tried some of the LS 2 yesterday at dumplin and it seemed to do really well, they said they had mixed a little acryrosal and it seemed to be the best thing I have tried over there since I des covered goat per. I did talk to someone who uses LS and they said they don't mix it either . Thanks for the answers.
They have Instructional cards made up for all there preps, just follow directions yes it works well, Ls 1 is not aggressive enough for Tacky that would be Ls 4.
Call Performance Manufacturing talk to Josh.

Good Luck !!
Thanks I am going to order me some, because I don't really like bouncing back and forth with the flavor of the day. I want something simple to use and that works good. I have tried FTS it is okay, seems to be a little weak to me though, just doesn't pulled speed like other preps, just my Opinion.
I just looked up the the prep on Performance Manufacturing and seen they also offer a ts series just wondering about it because it seems to be more of a wiping prep.
Thanks I am going to order me some, because I don't really like bouncing back and forth with the flavor of the day. I want something simple to use and that works good.

This is EXACTLY why we stock and recommend LS preps. Very simple to use, yet effective.

Also, LS1 is primarily an inside prep.
2 & 3 are the most popular LS preps we sell and are easily mixed with one another in varying amounts. 2 adds bite, 3 adds a lot more bite (and softens). If you want something in between, just mix the two 50/50 and you end with something like 2.5. :) I really like these preps and they just plain work.
I make our own preps, but for guys just starting out, or guys who want to simplify their prep program - I steer them towards the Liquid Speed stuff and am never disappointed.
If you need something - just give us a call - we've got it in stock. We accept credit and bank debit cards through our shop and I'd be glad to talk with you about how and when to use each prep as well. You can give Josh a call at PMI also - no one knows his preps better.

Thanks and God bless,
Brian Carlson
Carlson Racing Engines
Vector Cuts
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